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Hobbies R:0 / I:0This board is for the discussion of your hobbies. Also, nice 1 GET.
Vidya thread R:26 / I:26What are you playing? For me its Elder Scrolls Oblivion.
R:9 / I:9A random blue belt in BJJ could go back in time and pretty win the olympics of wrestling.
Game Dev R:21 / I:21Anybody else here making their own vidya?
R:7 / I:7How much impact do you think things like TTS or Roll20 are having on companies like GW and WOTC? I personally don't feel a shred of guilt for pirating their overpriced books and just playing online for next to nothing. I'm sure a fuckload of other people do the exact same thing too (especially since these companies are dogshit at PR/community management), and I'm starting to wonder if these guys' days are numbered.
New Here R:28 / I:27Hi. I like drawing monsters and characters, they have no story though.
Paintball R:17 / I:17Does anyone here play paintball or has in the past?

I played a couple times years and years ago, and it seems like paintball had its heyday from the late ninties into the mid two-thousands.

Writing Thread R:39 / I:39Discuss things you're writing.
Winrar if they're stories.
Minecraft R:13 / I:13Don't you guys think that there should be a minecraft server for mootxi.co?
Cars R:13 / I:13Does anyone else enjoy working on cars and driving in general? Post your current/past projects and share driving stories.

Picture is related to my current repair work: high pressure steering hose on a jdm. The shit's put in so wonky that I had to take out the airbox to see the top of the thing. It's pissing out power steering fluid and I'm waiting on a part to come in so I can continue work.
Global Rule #8 R:9 / I:8I like camping.

I like camping even in cold weather, where you have to make a fire to stay warm, cook your meals on that fire, and do activities to keep you from freezing.

I also enjoy camping without a car. The type where you have a backpack and that's all you can take with you because you are hiking until you can't anymore. Then setting up camp by unpacking your bag.

Basically, I like not having a ton of people around, but also like having "guys" time to hang out and bond. Though, mostly, I like solitude. Birds. Deer. Etc.
Arcade Titles R:2 / I:2Que ondas mootxicanos, this board always seemed like untapped potential so I'll try and be the change sort of thing. Anyway what are some of your favorite arcade titles? Console faggots go home or go break some change. For me, stuff like pac-man, galaga and other games like that were fun, but the real fun was the multiplayer/co-op stuff. Growing up it felt like every bowling alley had some form of Time Crisis lying around someplace. My brothers and I would just sink hours into games like that just competing over scores. There was a four player fantasy game I used to love playing at the arcade but I can never remember what it was called. I also had one of those cheap Namco arcade collection joysticks that you'd plug into the TV. Namco peaked with fucking dig dug and mappy and everything since has been utter dogshit. The Marvel Vs Capcom series really captured my imagination as a child. To this day they are still among my favorite games. The tag mechanics allow for a preposterous amount of creativity and unique scenarios. When it comes to Marvel 2 and 3, the experience of finding a team of characters you like and them getting good with them is so much more subjective than most other fighting games. Truly an experience that can not be found anywhere else.
R:4 / I:4guitar thread
R:5 / I:5im twelv and wat dis?

You will invoke the wrath of staff
R:9 / I:9Check out my books they are over 9000 and full of those mudkipz u kids like so much!!!1 :-)

MMA/boxing R:3 / I:3currently have been obsessing over boxing recently, as well as kickboxing, and have been binge watching old UFC fighttttsss....anyone else?
R:11 / I:11What were your fav PS2 games? Mine were Spiderman, Wall-E, and Bully. Games are not very fun to me, but as a kid I really enjoyed those.
R:3 / I:3i accidentally the whole coding thread desu
Voice Acting/Impressions R:33 / I:33Post some of the voices that you people can do, and what you've done with them.

This is from a project I started but never had the creative spark to finish:
Bully (Videogame) R:3 / I:3I have a fetish for getting hit in the balls, and I think I got it from playing this game when I was four.
Did you ever play this game?
Suzumiya Haruhi R:4 / I:4The 8 thread!
Top Tier Vavle Games R:3 / I:3>Portal
>Portal 2
>Team Fortress 2
>Left For Dead 2
Graphics R:20 / I:20Show off some things you've done in graphic programs. Here's a thingy I made in Gimp a few months ago
Cosplay R:9 / I:91 GET
underrated video games R:7 / I:7I love this game, it is basic af but I love it so much
probably because i played it when i was but a little lad, but still
R:2 / I:2What do my mootxibro's think of GPT? Is it going to kill us all and take our jobs?
/Hobbits/ R:4 / I:4>Sees /Hob/

Thank god a board for hobbits. Talk to me my fellow hobbits.
R:2 / I:2computer thread
post computer
R:0 / I:0Is fapping to lolis considered a hobby?


(wait no)

R:3 / I:3Do you guys do any pottery

I tried making an ashtray just from stuff I'd find near my place last summer.
First two attempts broke during firing. The third survived but the pieces came apart in my hands at one point and the bottom fell to the floor and broke too.
I've been firing these in a primitive oven made of stone bricks, they also mostly shattered from the heat and by the end I didn't have enough to make a new oven.
I have stopped smoking since then, so I don't need an ashtray anymore anyway...
Gonna try again this summer.
Movies about extraterrestrials R:2 / I:2I get really pissed off when they turn aliens into basically divine beings above our understanding like in Contact, I think that's extremely gay.

I prefer it when aliens are depicted as animals, like in Half-Life or Species, be they sapient or not.
Hannah Montana discussion R:1 / I:1One of my hobbies is watching the Hannah Montana television series, as well as listening to Hannah Montana music. Are there any other Hannah Montana enjoyers on Mootxico? If so, what are your favorite episodes and songs?