LongFag ## Admin Hobbies No. 2 [Reply]
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This board is for the discussion of your hobbies. Also, nice 1 GET.

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Anonymous No. 4 [Reply]
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How much impact do you think things like TTS or Roll20 are having on companies like GW and WOTC? I personally don't feel a shred of guilt for pirating their overpriced books and just playing online for next to nothing. I'm sure a fuckload of other people do the exact same thing too (especially since these companies are dogshit at PR/community management), and I'm starting to wonder if these guys' days are numbered.
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Anonymous New Here No. 48 [Reply]
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Hi. I like drawing monsters and characters, they have no story though.
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Anonymous Paintball No. 226 [Reply]
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Does anyone here play paintball or has in the past?
I played a couple times years and years ago, and it seems like paintball had its heyday from the late ninties into the mid two-thousands.
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I played a couple times years and years ago, and it seems like paintball had its heyday from the late ninties into the mid two-thousands.
Anonymous No. 281 [Reply]
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A random blue belt in BJJ could go back in time and pretty win the olympics of wrestling.
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Modern Web 3.0 CitizenOfTheWeb Game Dev No. 51 [Reply]
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Anybody else here making their own vidya?
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Anonymous Writing Thread No. 5 [Reply]
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Discuss things you're writing.
Winrar if they're stories.
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Winrar if they're stories.
Anonymous Cars No. 34 [Reply]
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Does anyone else enjoy working on cars and driving in general? Post your current/past projects and share driving stories.
Picture is related to my current repair work: high pressure steering hose on a jdm. The shit's put in so wonky that I had to take out the airbox to see the top of the thing. It's pissing out power steering fluid and I'm waiting on a part to come in so I can continue work.
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Picture is related to my current repair work: high pressure steering hose on a jdm. The shit's put in so wonky that I had to take out the airbox to see the top of the thing. It's pissing out power steering fluid and I'm waiting on a part to come in so I can continue work.
Anonymous Global Rule #8 No. 428 [Reply]
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I like camping.
I like camping even in cold weather, where you have to make a fire to stay warm, cook your meals on that fire, and do activities to keep you from freezing.
I also enjoy camping without a car. The type where you have a backpack and that's all you can take with you because you are hiking until you can't anymore. Then setting up camp by unpacking your bag.
Basically, I like not having a ton of people around, but also like having "guys" time to hang out and bond. Though, mostly, I like solitude. Birds. Deer. Etc.
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I like camping even in cold weather, where you have to make a fire to stay warm, cook your meals on that fire, and do activities to keep you from freezing.
I also enjoy camping without a car. The type where you have a backpack and that's all you can take with you because you are hiking until you can't anymore. Then setting up camp by unpacking your bag.
Basically, I like not having a ton of people around, but also like having "guys" time to hang out and bond. Though, mostly, I like solitude. Birds. Deer. Etc.