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Anonymous Writing Thread 2023/01/10(Tue) 00:28:11 GMT No. 5
File: 7b61397a71f27f(...).jpg (82 KB, 829x828)
Discuss things you're writing.
Winrar if they're stories.
Anonymous 2023/01/10(Tue) 11:12:02 GMT No. 11
This is sort of niche and faggy, but I am writing a list of words in Slavic languages that are supposedly descended from P.I.E. but whos official etymologies are retarded and impossible.
Anonymous 2023/01/23(Mon) 19:59:50 GMT No. 59
File: brain damage.png (30 KB, 1166x189) >>5
I don't know what thread this was, but some dumb challenge where you had to write a sentence consisting of only "n-words"
I managed to give myself braindamage from writing that
Anonymous 2023/01/24(Tue) 08:30:40 GMT No. 70
File: novelist.jpeg (357 KB, 2000x1062) pic related is average writer in the year 2030

also a technical guide on something because all the forum posts and documentation for it suck right now
Anonymous 2023/08/21(Mon) 13:21:41 GMT No. 234
File: 1689945341390-(...).png (92 KB, 523x388) I'm trying to write something for two characters of mine in a dream world setting, but I'm drawing blanks otherwise. I'll find something to write about with em eventually.
Anonymous 2023/08/21(Mon) 14:15:21 GMT No. 235
File: not_wearing.png (556 KB, 720x480) >>234
I've been sitting on a fanfiction for the last three years. I remember distinctly where I was and what I was doing the last time I worked on it.
Anonymous 2023/08/25(Fri) 19:53:18 GMT No. 237
fanfiction of what, exactly
Anonymous 2023/08/29(Tue) 02:55:14 GMT No. 241
File: Screen Shot 20(...).png (328 KB, 500x350) I've spent the past couple of days thinking of what could have been if Expiration Date actually got picked up as a full-on show, but I can only come up with small scenes and running gags. For example, Demoman probably knows far more people than he has any right to just from the sheer amount of jobs he's worked over the years.
Anonymous 2023/08/29(Tue) 02:55:57 GMT No. 242
I'd also like to say that Scout hates when all his brothers' dads recognize him because they always end up kind of salty that they didn't manage to make it work and take it out on him. That
Anonymous 2023/09/06(Wed) 14:02:30 GMT No. 248
For almost 4 years I've been working on this horror-comedy project about an organisation that deals with cryptids and such.
Anonymous 2023/09/11(Mon) 03:13:49 GMT No. 250
I like that.

Do you plan for it to be a TV show?
Anonymous 2023/10/10(Tue) 04:58:06 GMT No. 291
I've been working on something similar, but it's in the style of a news show.
Anonymous 2023/12/13(Wed) 04:35:08 GMT No. 400
I published 4 books of comedy shitpost poetry



Anonymous 2024/01/01(Mon) 08:32:55 GMT No. 412
File: unvirgin.png (482 KB, 600x531) >>400
> I haven't been with a woman in 6 years true story
Anonymous 2024/01/01(Mon) 08:41:23 GMT No. 413
Ichigo Mashimaro characters getting physical, physical
Anonymous 2024/01/01(Mon) 23:51:14 GMT No. 414
its up to 11 years by now, my sex-having friend
Anonymous 2024/01/02(Tue) 20:26:02 GMT No. 415
File: anon you are t(...).jpg (81 KB, 727x619) >>414
still an unvirgin
Anonymous 2024/01/04(Thu) 17:02:19 GMT No. 416
cry harder phag
Anonymous 2024/01/11(Thu) 04:49:40 GMT No. 418
Realized I've never answered.
It would definitely be scripted by one, but seeing as I don't have any animation skills and my attempts to impersonate the mercs are subpar at best(Honestly only my soldier is better than VSH tier) I wouldn't have any ability to produce said scripts on my own.
Anonymous 2024/02/02(Fri) 03:45:02 GMT No. 504
I started writing an Undertale-TF2 mish-mash(bite me) but realized that I'm so uncultured that I only viewed Undertale as a story with a game attached rather than a story *about* games, and until I'm willing to do otherwise(along with think hard about how the metaphysics of Undertale would fit into the decentralized online model of a Source game) it will invariably be shit, no matter how much of Toby's spirit I put into the characters or environment design.
Anonymous 2024/02/28(Wed) 04:29:08 GMT No. 569
>A bird falls to ice once more
>the old body not yet warm
>and it drips off. Darkness and
>the dark within brings the light
>to a screech. Will we survive?
>Only if we cut the rope. No matter
>Who we leave Behind.
Anonymous 2024/03/03(Sun) 21:36:34 GMT No. 570
File: Sandwich-emo.jpg (8 KB, 208x225) >>569
Anonymous 2024/03/04(Mon) 22:23:22 GMT No. 571
Yup, just about. I ain't no Robert Francis.
Anonymous 2024/03/05(Tue) 01:09:05 GMT No. 574
I don't know if saying that this is in the context of a UT/DR thing makes it better or worse.
Anonymous 2024/03/06(Wed) 01:56:32 GMT No. 575
That post was just a part of the raid a few days ago. It's a random phrase generator or something.
Anonymous 2024/03/11(Mon) 01:08:32 GMT No. 578
File: 16670037544163(...).jpg (40 KB, 948x711) I write crappy lyrics for the songs I write. Sometimes I'll get into moods and start writing a bunch of stuff, and it's usually way better than the normal stuff, but those episodes are few and far between. I feel frustrated sometimes that I can't just access that higher level of creativity and sophistication whenever I want, but that's life I guess.
Anonymous 2024/03/12(Tue) 18:31:28 GMT No. 632
I've written like 5 SCPs but never published any of them
sometimes i have a really good idea but I just suck at writing and it comes off as boring or worse... cringeworthy...
Anonymous 2024/03/16(Sat) 07:03:25 GMT No. 634
File: 24 and sore.webm (735 KB, 394x720) >>632
those go more or less hand in hand anon. Even the good ones are a bit cringe inducing if you look at them for too long. Feel free to publish them.
Anonymous 2024/03/16(Sat) 17:38:30 GMT No. 635
File: nyanners.webm (4 MB, 426x240) >>632
Post em heer nao
Anonymous 2024/03/19(Tue) 15:22:24 GMT No. 637
there is one problem: i have deleted them out of pure embarrassment, i probably won't be able to remember everything as it's been years at this point but i can try to reconstruct them
Anonymous 2024/03/19(Tue) 20:47:29 GMT No. 638

Object Class: maybe safe

Special Containment Procedures: A military complex is scheduled to be built around the area containing SCP-XXXX, it will provide cover from public eye as well as housing part of MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" who will patrol the area at all times, the perimeter is outfitted with motion sensors and infrared surveillance systems, while the center of the complex will house a nuclear device to be triggered in the event of a containment breach.
Approaching the item without proper authorization is strictly forbidden and is grounds for demotion, moreover lethal force is allowed to stop any intruder from breaching the perimeter.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a large steel cube (20mx20mx20m) located in [REDACTED], it was discovered in 1998 by construction workers while digging the foundations of a civilian building.
Analysis of the object revealed at least 12 layers of different materials that appear to have been built around the nucleus in a supposedly wide span of time, it is hypothesized that the oldest layer may be over 3000 years old.
Faint metallic sounds can occasionally be heard originating from the inside of the object during which electrical equipment experiences some disturbance so, despite the nature of the nucleus being unknown, it is assumed to be anomalous and the amount of layers suggests it is highly dangerous, currently an XK-Class End-of-the-World scenario is not out of consideration.
Proposals to build an additional outer layer around the object, to better contain the nucleus should it prove to be as dangerous as speculated in the worst case scenario, will be considered by the O5 council on REDACTED, until then all requests to pierce the outer layers to reach the nucleus will be denied
Anonymous 2024/03/29(Fri) 00:12:52 GMT No. 641
XK-end-of-the-world scenario from that?
Anonymous 2024/03/30(Sat) 19:45:52 GMT No. 642
the idea was "we don't know what's inside but people have been trying to contain it for thousands of years therefore it may be something extremely dangerous"
one of the ideas i had when i first thought about this scp was having the foundation be very paranoid and submerging it in the most durable materials they can find and surrounding it with state-of-the-art defensive weapons to make sure whatever is inside never ever gets out but i felt that was a bit silly
Anonymous 2024/04/01(Mon) 17:18:46 GMT No. 643
That's kind of dumb. I thought the idea was that the object grabs materials from around it more and more over time and would eventually lead to an end of the world scenario.
Anonymous 2024/04/01(Mon) 17:42:16 GMT No. 644
that's a great idea, therefore
idea: stolen
Anonymous 2024/04/02(Tue) 21:51:56 GMT No. 645
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Anonymous 2024/05/05(Sun) 00:33:39 GMT No. 652
I simply can't describe settings. People look at me like I'm retarded when I try. Imitation seems to make it worse.
Anonymous 2024/05/15(Wed) 19:28:28 GMT No. 654
File: tegaki_2024_05(...).png (33 KB, 512x512) >>5
My diary, but is pretty borriing
Anonymous 2024/05/31(Fri) 16:42:36 GMT No. 657
i am very sorry for stealing your idea you can have it back

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