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skb MMA/boxing 2024/04/16(Tue) 23:40:58 GMT No. 649
File: mixedmmawomans.jpg (15 KB, 170x255)
currently have been obsessing over boxing recently, as well as kickboxing, and have been binge watching old UFC fighttttsss....anyone else?
Anonymous 2024/04/18(Thu) 10:10:34 GMT No. 650
I enjoy training boxing so fucking much but I just don't want to be retarded. Oh well.
Anonymous 2024/05/12(Sun) 21:10:51 GMT No. 653
I enjoy watching old MMA fights too. Ones from the 90s. Anything past that is boring.
Anonymous 2024/05/15(Wed) 23:41:58 GMT No. 655
I pretty much only watch different types of fencing. Olympic, HEMA, kendo, anything to scratch that itch

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