Que ondas mootxicanos, this board always seemed like untapped potential so I'll try and be the change sort of thing. Anyway what are some of your favorite arcade titles? Console faggots go home or go break some change. For me, stuff like pac-man, galaga and other games like that were fun, but the real fun was the multiplayer/co-op stuff. Growing up it felt like every bowling alley had some form of Time Crisis lying around someplace. My brothers and I would just sink hours into games like that just competing over scores. There was a four player fantasy game I used to love playing at the arcade but I can never remember what it was called. I also had one of those cheap Namco arcade collection joysticks that you'd plug into the TV. Namco peaked with fucking dig dug and mappy and everything since has been utter dogshit. The Marvel Vs Capcom series really captured my imagination as a child. To this day they are still among my favorite games. The tag mechanics allow for a preposterous amount of creativity and unique scenarios. When it comes to Marvel 2 and 3, the experience of finding a team of characters you like and them getting good with them is so much more subjective than most other fighting games. Truly an experience that can not be found anywhere else.
Anonymous2024/06/03(Mon) 21:26:43 GMTNo.659 File: tumblr_n6lq56A(...).gif(312 KB, 624x384)Although usually when it comes to fighting games I have a bias towards capcoms games. However SNK beats them in the looks department, especially when it comes to stages and backgrounds. SNK's fighting game stages are just gorgeous with some stages progressing through phases but with more variables then simply going from day to night. Garou: Mark of the Wolves is the pinnacle of sprite based animation I'm willing t knife fight anyone that disagrees.
Anonymous2024/07/02(Tue) 19:33:51 GMTNo.676 File: 50894_8.jpg(55 KB, 373x768)>>658
I finally remembered that fantasy game it was bothering me so much. My brothers and I used to play the shit out of this game back in the day. I used to play the black wizard dude. My fondest memory is playing until they kicked us out of the arcade, no warning or nothing just turned off all the machines. Good stuff