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Anonymous Global Rule #8 2024/01/31(Wed) 00:53:26 GMT No. 428
File: Untitled.png (31 KB, 150x179)
I like camping.

I like camping even in cold weather, where you have to make a fire to stay warm, cook your meals on that fire, and do activities to keep you from freezing.

I also enjoy camping without a car. The type where you have a backpack and that's all you can take with you because you are hiking until you can't anymore. Then setting up camp by unpacking your bag.

Basically, I like not having a ton of people around, but also like having "guys" time to hang out and bond. Though, mostly, I like solitude. Birds. Deer. Etc.
Anonymous 2024/02/02(Fri) 02:36:08 GMT No. 503
I like camping. I especially like camping when its raining. Its really uncomfortable until you get set up, then its ultra comfy.
Anonymous 2024/02/07(Wed) 08:28:38 GMT No. 505
File: montain.jpg (593 KB, 2151x1613) >>428
Camping is really fun for me. I went last year; I definitely hard to drive to get there and it was at a state campsite so there was close parking, but it was still nice. I also get the desire to want to be away from people yet wanting to know that they're there.
Anonymous 2024/02/19(Mon) 22:14:31 GMT No. 565
File: mont.jpg (474 KB, 1280x960) >>428
I rarely go camping, the last time was about 4 years ago. But it was pretty fun for sure. Here's a pic from mountains.
Anonymous 2024/06/21(Fri) 19:15:41 GMT No. 667
File: 1718656430108-(...).gif (1 MB, 2178x1633) I have been wanting to go to a national park and walk to a random hill to camp. I would need to get a rifle to defend myself against bears and cougars and it would be a good idea to buy a better radio or EPIRB so I could get rescued, but those are both expensive.

When I do I'll definitely post pictures.
Anonymous 2024/06/24(Mon) 09:01:12 GMT No. 668
Anonymous 2024/06/25(Tue) 15:51:11 GMT No. 671
File: mysteryniggas.jpg (140 KB, 1455x1079) >>668
Anonymous 2024/06/28(Fri) 19:11:19 GMT No. 673
File: Screenshot_28-(...).jpeg (98 KB, 594x329) >>428
Camping is the gayest shit of all time. Be a real man and rush like an ape.
Anonymous 2024/06/28(Fri) 21:59:15 GMT No. 674
rush what?
Anonymous 2024/08/09(Fri) 17:55:51 GMT No. 681
File: limbeezy.jpg (526 KB, 1600x2400) >>674

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