Does anyone else enjoy working on cars and driving in general? Post your current/past projects and share driving stories.
Picture is related to my current repair work: high pressure steering hose on a jdm. The shit's put in so wonky that I had to take out the airbox to see the top of the thing. It's pissing out power steering fluid and I'm waiting on a part to come in so I can continue work.
Anonymous2023/01/20(Fri) 04:18:23 GMTNo.39 the windshield wiper on my car flew off and I will probably fix it this weekend
Anonymous2023/01/23(Mon) 06:32:59 GMTNo.43 If you enlarged everything in your pic, you could easily create a steampunk city out of that layout
Apart from that I have 0 interests in cars. Hell, I don't even have one..
Anonymous2023/01/31(Tue) 03:43:01 GMTNo.88 File: steering fuck.jpg(2 MB, 3267x2450)update on the car:
Fuck aftermarket parts. This steering line took SEVEN hours to put in with all the fuckery of the canted banjo bolts and inexperience on my part. I didn't even get to tune up anything.
Anonymous2023/02/16(Thu) 05:15:11 GMTNo.102 >>39
how did the wiper turn out?
Anonymous2023/03/06(Mon) 01:35:43 GMTNo.116 >>102
i jammed it in place and it works again
Anonymous2023/08/25(Fri) 07:19:39 GMTNo.236 File: chinesium.png(1 MB, 894x672)OP here
I replaced the rear torque mount on my piece of shit today. The old one was cracked, and overall it was a quick, pleasant fix only hampered by a socket being thrown off the ratchet and into my engine bay for some reason