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Anonymous 2023/01/30(Mon) 04:11:11 GMT No. 86
File: justin.png (489 KB, 516x542)
guitar thread
Anonymous 2023/02/01(Wed) 05:07:36 GMT No. 89
My band is playing at a snowboarding competition at my university. Mostly covers and a few originals. Still trying to lock down a bass player, but if we don't we decided I'd just plug in a bass with a fuzz pedal and we'd jam for an hour.
Anonymous 2023/02/06(Mon) 00:10:25 GMT No. 90
trying to learn some Mastodon and Chicks Dig Giant Robots on bass
Anonymous 2023/02/11(Sat) 18:49:58 GMT No. 96
File: punk cat.gif (1 MB, 498x498) I just play the same simple 3-4 chord rock and roll powerchord type songs whenever I pick it up, kudos to you skilled licksters out there
Anonymous 2024/06/12(Wed) 18:21:46 GMT No. 666
File: Cover.jpg (41 KB, 316x316) IF YOU ARE >>555 THEN I'M

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