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Anonymous 12/18/2023(Mon) 4:18:22 AM No. 13854 >>13857 >>15095
File: 1565979053781.jpg (278 KB, 2000x1333) Edit
Those soyjack spammers sure have a lot of weird fetish pictures stored on their computers despite being such devout, puritan Christians..
Anonymous 12/18/2023(Mon) 4:43:17 AM No. 13857 >>13859 >>13867
File: Untitled.png (55 KB, 792x887) Edit >>13854 (OP)
Half the posts in their raid thread are phoneposting rats trying to crawl their way in. I'm always impressed with just how much cancer could be potentially nullified if phone niggers would all vanish or be pushed off the Internet.
Anonymous 12/18/2023(Mon) 10:08:43 AM No. 13859
File: smug cat.jpg (15 KB, 223x200) Edit >>13857
>WTF? I never even knew you could do this. It even redirects you to this link
Phonefags. Phonefags never change.
Anonymous 12/18/2023(Mon) 5:17:34 PM No. 13865 >>13866
File: goodraid.png (510 KB, 1888x949) Edit what a big raid
Anonymous 12/18/2023(Mon) 6:31:56 PM No. 13866 >>13871
File: tired cat.jpg (25 KB, 461x461) Edit >>13865
that was it?
Anonymous 12/18/2023(Mon) 8:32:46 PM No. 13867 >>13868
File: stop_talking.jpg (70 KB, 640x668) Edit >>13857
> raisinty fucking datamining site

Soyniggers think a client script querying the window dimensions and useragent think is datamining. lol. lmao even.
Anonymous 12/18/2023(Mon) 10:46:05 PM No. 13868 >>13869 >>13874 >>13955
I've seen people argue that site owners shouldn't be able to see their user's IP addresses because to them, it was spying.
Anonymous 12/18/2023(Mon) 10:54:12 PM No. 13869
File: just how high.png (427 KB, 758x681) Edit >>13868
Anonymous 12/19/2023(Tue) 5:14:16 AM No. 13871
ayup, the thread in /soy/ vanished and now we may never know what the cancer cells will respond with.
Anonymous 12/19/2023(Tue) 7:17:58 PM No. 13874 >>13875
I expected more from a community of terminally autists.
Anonymous 12/19/2023(Tue) 9:19:43 PM No. 13875 >>13878
>terminally autists
Engrish prease
Anonymous 12/20/2023(Wed) 1:42:58 PM No. 13878
this is seriously bussin bro no cap. I gyatta check out them classes for allat yk?

Anonymous 12/21/2023(Thu) 5:52:12 AM No. 13880
fags are so fucking cringe bro
like, chill out dudes, who even gives a shit?

Anonymous 12/29/2023(Fri) 5:13:19 PM No. 13908 >>13910
sharty has become such a shithole even jarty, alternative, thinks their raids and doxxes are pathetic
Anonymous 12/29/2023(Fri) 5:31:55 PM No. 13910 >>13912
They seem to have a weird fixation on anything relating to "old Internet culture".
If you're familiar with their culture, would you care to explain that?
Anonymous 12/29/2023(Fri) 8:13:46 PM No. 13912 >>13914
from my observations of the sharty is that they want to recreate the old internet culture, mostly the wild west of "teh internets" and specifically attempting to replicate how old 4chan functioned back then, that's just from what i can tell or what i have simply observed through their boards and user activity, im no oldfag but this just seems like a failed attempt of replicating it
Anonymous 12/29/2023(Fri) 10:30:56 PM No. 13914 >>13956 >>13958
exactly. except the difference is - they kill every thread or bait that they do not like, which is completely polar to what the idea of /b/ was about - just letting shit flow. they know early internet culture was not centered around politics as the webberz is today, so thats why they are trying to "revive" it but in way that it conforms to their selfish desires. they could give less of a fuck why old internet culture exists in the first place
Anonymous 1/5/2024(Fri) 4:55:52 AM No. 13955

i mean, any tor hidden service is like that. you don't see the site's ip, they don't see yours.
Anonymous 1/5/2024(Fri) 4:57:48 AM No. 13956

yeah, admirable but sad seeing people try to recapture a moment that's just gone.

im still here too, so that includes myself
Anonymous 1/5/2024(Fri) 8:41:33 AM No. 13958 >>13961 >>13976
so poisoned by a reddit mindset they can't help but replicate it even when left alone
i would pity them if they weren't tards
Anonymous 1/5/2024(Fri) 11:57:45 AM No. 13961 >>13963 >>13966
sometimes, i wonder if their goal is really to be annoying as possible or not, i recall that one anon claimed they are being annoying as possible so they can be a gated community.
Anonymous 1/5/2024(Fri) 7:01:08 PM No. 13963
still, they're doing it on purpose. It might be less gay if it were geniune, but annoying and scummy all the less
Anonymous 1/6/2024(Sat) 5:34:33 AM No. 13966
File: NO.jpg (47 KB, 640x512) Edit >>13961
>they are being annoying as possible so they can be a gated community
They have an "us VS them" mentality where you're either "based" or you had your cock snipped off.

In any case, they are nothing more than loose cannons with no true home to return to; no on likes them, and they both currently don't and won't fit anywhere. Their circle-jerk bubble will pop once their little spamming adrenaline high passes and they realize that the one trick pony they've all been riding at once for years is dead. They'll go back to their old ways of scraping the bottom of barrel, spitting out what's left of their long-shattered pride and crawling back to their old homes such as reddit, 9gag, discord, ifunny, instagram, facebook etc, that they all pretend to hate in their desperate attempts to fit in with one another.

They'll never be truly free, and that's all they deserve.
Anonymous 1/7/2024(Sun) 7:50:01 AM No. 13976 >>13977 >>13982
no wonder why they get called nusoicacas. Jarty on the other hand doesn't seem that annoying or pathetic
Anonymous 1/7/2024(Sun) 9:38:08 AM No. 13977 >>14255
Anonymous 1/9/2024(Tue) 1:38:04 AM No. 13982
>uhm achually Jarty users are better than those niggers because <retarded niggerbabble>
this is satire right
Anonymous 1/9/2024(Tue) 1:03:40 PM No. 13984
>despite being such devout, puritan Christians..
Anonymous 2/4/2024(Sun) 12:20:17 PM No. 14255
After all, soyjack was created in Sweden and we all know Swedes.
nickname for new soyjack spammers or new users of sharty who prefer doxxing and complaining.
Anonymous 2/5/2024(Mon) 2:55:05 PM No. 14265
Anonymous 2/5/2024(Mon) 2:59:34 PM No. 14266 >>14267
File: 1341454748143.png (6 KB, 473x454) Edit soyfags are annoying but let's not pretend 4chin isn't getting infiltrated by revisionist twitter "lefties"
Anonymous 2/5/2024(Mon) 4:51:55 PM No. 14267 >>14268
2 wrongs != 1 right
Anonymous 2/5/2024(Mon) 5:44:28 PM No. 14268 >>14269
basicly the point
Anonymous 2/5/2024(Mon) 7:12:05 PM No. 14269 >>14270
the "!" stands for "not", not emphasis
Anonymous 2/5/2024(Mon) 7:45:27 PM No. 14270 >>14273
Yeah i knew it stood for "not", that's what i meant. I've only gotten back into coding to remember this lol
But it really makes you think, isn't one of the reasons some move to the sharty because of the shill/bots on /g/ and /co/ in the first place? (asides from the deletion of /qa/?) Wouldn't the sharty be practically right - in this instance?
Anonymous 2/5/2024(Mon) 9:04:08 PM No. 14273 >>14276
No. 4chan's /g/ has been a fucking daycare for years now and /co/ seems fairly neutral. If you can't stand the communities on each one then leave the board or filter the posts, but joining that other website is a completely worse off option because every facet of what they do is lame and gay.
Anonymous 2/6/2024(Tue) 12:44:07 AM No. 14276 >>14280
File: flash flashhh.jpg (90 KB, 736x736) Edit >>14273
It's understandable why people there use the technology they use, (i could elaborate on my linux experience but that's for /hob/) but it's obvious /g/ has always been a circlejerk with the same mindset, and only now it is the same thing but with AI-generation to make up for lack of creative work.
However unlike /co/, /g/ sticks to their ideals, even if it's super permissive freetardation or microsoft corporatism. /co/ is riddled to the brim with teenagers from twitter and are in times more insufferable than
In a way, you're left to compare desuarchive and the posts in the current time, because the mods were also corrupt idiots who delete particular OS/cartoon threads they don't like.
Anonymous 2/6/2024(Tue) 8:52:03 AM No. 14280 >>14305
while it does boil down to what you personally don't like, it's also somewhat pointless to compare one annoying group on an otherwise okay board versus another one; giving them the time of day by discussing their existence. It makes more sense to ignore both of them until they either stop or you get so tired of it that you can't go there anymore.

>/g/ sticks to their ideals
"ideals" feels like the wrong word for it. It's more along the lines of the mentality of board "culture" versus everything else. Why have new discussions when you can pretend to be part of the club and repeat catchphrases and views that aren't your own? I won't pretend that being on /g/ was worthless for me, as it did get me into a lot of different, useful avenues of tech, but I had to leave because the childish repetition got to be too much. Hell, even when I was in high school a prof told me how he didn't like /g/ because of how dogmatic discussions became; even the arguments and fights were contrived.
Anonymous 2/14/2024(Wed) 5:31:14 AM No. 14304
>even the arguments and fights were contrived
I think that's just an issue with the site in general at this point. /vg/ especially.
Anonymous 2/14/2024(Wed) 10:31:42 AM No. 14305 >>14306
i used to browse /g/ when i first got on 4chan until i noticed every thread was the same with very rare interesting discussions taking place
i haven't counted but i think it's safe to say at least half of the board is threads that violate the no brand wars rule (which mods never delete)
Anonymous 2/15/2024(Thu) 2:28:53 AM No. 14306
Even though I didn't originally go to 4chan for tech discussion, I did end up browsing /g/ probably the most.
>noticed every thread was the same with very rare interesting discussions taking place
This is the exact reason I left /g/. There've been a handful of cool threads, but it really is mostly just the same recycled shit constantly. Sucks most technology boards on other imageboards are pretty dead nowadays.
Anonymous 5/28/2024(Tue) 4:48:45 PM No. 15095
File: yeah.png (612 KB, 687x574) Edit >>13854 (OP)
Yeah, me too, I wanna go home and see my family...
Anonymous 6/6/2024(Thu) 12:13:01 PM No. 15195 >>15208
I'm surprised the mods actually remove those threads
Anonymous 6/7/2024(Fri) 1:17:06 AM No. 15208 >>15211
File: 56cgvtazpb711.jpg (72 KB, 640x787) Edit >>15195
The soyjak threads? How come? It's in the rules
Anonymous 6/7/2024(Fri) 3:52:26 AM No. 15211 >>15212
File: homestuck.gif (502 KB, 498x365) >>15208
I'm not used to moderators doing their jobs. Usually they do the opposite.
Anonymous 6/7/2024(Fri) 9:49:59 AM No. 15212
I get it. I could only watch as 3chan went from being cool, only to end up allowing soyjak posts and going straight to the shitter from there.
Anonymous 7/25/2024(Thu) 3:06:19 AM No. 15408
File: 1556539046930.jpg (477 KB, 2048x1365) Edit I never got the impression that shartifags were /pol/tards. They always just came off as mindlessly rancorous. (A lot of morons who "miss the old /b/" tend to behave that way) So long as people are annoyed, they're content.
Anonymous 8/13/2024(Tue) 11:16:11 AM No. 15501
Anonymous 8/21/2024(Wed) 4:41:45 AM No. 15528
It's mostly young gay guys who are embarrassed about the dickgirl porn they fap to

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