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Anonymous anyone know a text version of om 2024/05/04(Sat) 20:06:28 GMT No. 14973 File:
334e.png (207 KB, 460x460)
like a site like it but you type out your messages instead of a video call?
Anonymous 2024/05/05(Sun) 15:13:25 GMT No. 14979 om?
Anonymous 2024/05/06(Mon) 07:35:37 GMT No. 14982 >>14973
Anonymous 2024/05/06(Mon) 22:52:52 GMT No. 14988 >>14979
Anonymous 2024/05/07(Tue) 19:19:11 GMT No. 14992 bump still looking
Anonymous 2024/05/07(Tue) 19:19:57 GMT No. 14993 and i meant omegle
Anonymous 2024/05/08(Wed) 15:28:24 GMT No. 14995 File:
future_career.jpg (58 KB, 600x616)
we get one post a day
why bump your own thread?
Najarin 2024/05/08(Wed) 18:07:26 GMT No. 14996 >>14995
didn't that guy go on to become a popular children's youtuber?
Anonymous 2024/05/08(Wed) 23:53:04 GMT No. 14997 >>14996
I heard this story in reverse
That's Blippi?
Anonymous 2024/10/08(Tue) 04:15:59 GMT No. 15668 >>14973
its called 4chan