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Anonymous girl thoughts 2024/09/24(Tue) 08:49:54 GMT No. 15626
File: 17239851304436(...).png (26 KB, 512x502)
is it hard to become a girl?
Anonymous 2024/09/24(Tue) 09:29:23 GMT No. 15627
It's all luck based, and you only have 1 shot at it. I'd say you have a 50% chance of becoming one in general
Anonymous 2024/09/24(Tue) 16:48:00 GMT No. 15629
being like the cute girl in the op has a 0% chance of happening because 2D grills dont exist ;_;
Anonymous 2024/09/25(Wed) 00:56:46 GMT No. 15631
Just be a cute guy with tits and ass or something like that. And not a girl.
Anonymous 2024/09/28(Sat) 04:41:03 GMT No. 15635
ask moot
his dream was always to be the little girl
no-one knows if he actually succeeded
Anonymous 2024/10/09(Wed) 19:21:21 GMT No. 15678
I would say for a girl it's not that hard but it is impossible for a boy. What's wrong with being a boy though, it's awesome dude (⌐■_■)
Anonymous 2024/10/24(Thu) 03:25:23 GMT No. 15701
Anonymous 2024/10/24(Thu) 04:21:26 GMT No. 15702
41% of people dont enjoy becoming girl
stay boy, and stretch pp instead
pp stretch feel good
Anonymous 2024/10/24(Thu) 20:19:47 GMT No. 15706
white magic techniques of outer body alchemy and self purification or get hit by a truck and reincarnated as a woman. just make sure your bad karma is enough to become a girl on rebirth but not so bad that you get reincarnated as a rock or a dog
Anonymous 2024/10/26(Sat) 05:00:03 GMT No. 15711
it's impossible. you might as well try and swim in a volcano. you'd have more of a chance.
Anonymous 2024/10/26(Sat) 18:42:24 GMT No. 15714
swimming in a volcano is easy, you'd just die
Anonymous 2024/10/28(Mon) 12:05:13 GMT No. 15718
I think lava is too dense to swim in
Anonymous 2024/10/29(Tue) 20:25:20 GMT No. 15724
how do you know? have you tried?
Anonymous 2024/11/01(Fri) 20:56:57 GMT No. 15728
its doable if you concentrate really hard you can force yourself to become a girl
Anonymous 2024/11/02(Sat) 12:32:14 GMT No. 15730
u can never have a vagoo so u cant be a girl
Anonymous 2024/11/05(Tue) 15:50:09 GMT No. 15735
File: tegaki.png (11 KB, 512x512) >>15724
according to my sources (Minecraft, 2011) lava flows slower than water. That must mean lava has a higher density or something
Anonymous 2024/11/05(Tue) 19:44:00 GMT No. 15737
and yet you can swim in lava in minecraft
your own research proved you wrong
Anonymous 2024/11/10(Sun) 11:17:55 GMT No. 15745
I stand corrected. I retract all my statements and hope the public court of Mootxico accepts my sincere apologies.
Anonymous 2025/01/02(Thu) 08:52:31 GMT No. 15912
that looks like a uterus

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