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LongFag ## Admin Hobbies 2023/01/09(Mon) 20:51:05 GMT No. 2 [Reply]
File: dungeons-and-d(...).jpg (67 KB, 780x585) This board is for the discussion of your hobbies. Also, nice 1 GET.
Anonymous 2023/01/10(Tue) 00:25:18 GMT No. 4 [Reply]
File: Garfield.jpg (5 KB, 102x189) How much impact do you think things like TTS or Roll20 are having on companies like GW and WOTC? I personally don't feel a shred of guilt for pirating their overpriced books and just playing online for next to nothing. I'm sure a fuckload of other people do the exact same thing too (especially since these companies are dogshit at PR/community management), and I'm starting to wonder if these guys' days are numbered.
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Anonymous 2024/11/13(Wed) 18:00:10 GMT No. 687
I get why WOTC isn't a fan of Roll20 cause lel moniieee but I have no fucking clue why GW shut down TTS, it makes no sense. It's a community made project that does nothing but lore dump for new players who want to learn who characters, legions and groups are while also being entertained. It was doing literally nothing to harm Warhammer as a whole. Fucking shit eaters.
Anonymous 2025/02/03(Mon) 14:07:43 GMT No. 754
I just play 2e
New editions can be fun and all I guess but if I don't want to play Modded Skyrim: Tabletop Version.
Anonymous 2025/02/13(Thu) 15:24:43 GMT No. 756
If I ever get into rpgs I'll probably just make my own system. In many ways that seems more fun than actually playing.

Anonymous New Here 2023/01/23(Mon) 11:20:39 GMT No. 48 [Reply]
File: collage.png (677 KB, 2444x2556) Hi. I like drawing monsters and characters, they have no story though.
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Anonymous 2024/12/19(Thu) 17:40:51 GMT No. 691
File: bounce.gif (132 KB, 1280x720)
I touched it up
Anonymous 2024/12/21(Sat) 02:16:47 GMT No. 692
File: shadow.gif (950 KB, 1280x720)
some quick and dirty shadow work
Anonymous 2025/02/13(Thu) 07:25:28 GMT No. 755
File: hand WIP.png (429 KB, 1487x835)
I have this hand animation that I've neglected for two weeks now.
Anonymous Paintball 2023/08/09(Wed) 17:45:27 GMT No. 226 [Reply]
File: 2005 time caps(...).jpg (79 KB, 576x768) Does anyone here play paintball or has in the past?

I played a couple times years and years ago, and it seems like paintball had its heyday from the late ninties into the mid two-thousands.

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Anonymous 2025/01/30(Thu) 10:03:07 GMT No. 751
>the virgin paintball
>the chad laser tag

I once actually won a FFA laser tag match back when I was about 9. I wish I could find the score card from that match. Laser tag doesn't have as much of the Navy SEAL wannabe faggotry, which automatically makes it better.
Anonymous 2025/01/30(Thu) 18:31:49 GMT No. 752
File: the best pi(...).jpg (180 KB, 960x540)
who are you quoting?
Anonymous 2025/02/02(Sun) 18:47:44 GMT No. 753
I remember paintballing with a bunch of family and like four or five of us decided to just firing squad assassinate my brother like the beginning of robocop. It was kinda fucked up but hey what can you do?

Anonymous 2023/09/23(Sat) 20:03:20 GMT No. 281 [Reply]
File: Blow-Job-Jitsu.png (579 KB, 900x339) A random blue belt in BJJ could go back in time and pretty win the olympics of wrestling.
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Anonymous 2023/11/27(Mon) 17:22:29 GMT No. 387
he was from a different class
Anonymous 2023/11/28(Tue) 09:30:23 GMT No. 388
Wasn't there also a Blow Job Jack?
I think his last name was also Mehoffed.
Anonymous 2025/01/10(Fri) 14:05:24 GMT No. 747
is the butt prime space for ads?
Modern Web 3.0 CitizenOfTheWeb Game Dev 2023/01/23(Mon) 16:20:36 GMT No. 51 [Reply]
File: sherwell.PNG (84 KB, 1602x944) Anybody else here making their own vidya?
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Anonymous 2023/07/02(Sun) 00:03:47 GMT No. 159
I fuck around with Flash and Actionscript 2.0 sometimes.
Anonymous 2023/08/02(Wed) 18:46:10 GMT No. 219
When people start talking about video games my eyes start glazing over
Anonymous 2024/11/22(Fri) 07:50:50 GMT No. 688
I'm too lazy.

Anonymous Writing Thread 2023/01/10(Tue) 00:28:11 GMT No. 5 [Reply]
File: 7b61397a71f27f(...).jpg (82 KB, 829x828) Discuss things you're writing.
Winrar if they're stories.
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Anonymous 2024/05/15(Wed) 19:28:28 GMT No. 654
File: tegaki_2024(...).png (33 KB, 512x512)
My diary, but is pretty borriing
Anonymous 2024/05/31(Fri) 16:42:36 GMT No. 657
i am very sorry for stealing your idea you can have it back
Anonymous 2024/10/24(Thu) 20:30:03 GMT No. 686
Im wirting this stopid thesis called
my hope is to convince those military fools that its a legit manual on online propaganda techniques that will explain RUSSIAN HACKERS and MEME WARFARE but really its just shit i thought up mid fap
Anonymous Minecraft 2023/04/16(Sun) 23:04:28 GMT No. 128 [Reply]
File: alpha.jpg (164 KB, 1200x675) Don't you guys think that there should be a minecraft server for mootxi.co?
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Anonymous 2024/04/08(Mon) 02:27:11 GMT No. 647
It isn't as good as minecraft just yet, maybe in a year or so but for now Minecraft would probably work out better

What version should it be BTW? I know some people like the new stuff but older versions might have better mods or fit the theme of the site better
Anonymous 2024/04/08(Mon) 15:37:00 GMT No. 648
i just tried minetest and compared to a couple years ago it seems better but it's still far from minecraft
Anonymous 2024/10/05(Sat) 22:55:46 GMT No. 685
This could end up in a very unique/fun experience, both modding and playing it.
Minetest is just a voxel game engine, it needs content developed for it. The base Minetest_Game is very old and lacking compared to something like VoxeLibre, which seems like it could be a great base to build off of.

Anonymous Cars 2023/01/14(Sat) 03:11:31 GMT No. 34 [Reply]
File: airbox.png (9 MB, 2560x1920) Does anyone else enjoy working on cars and driving in general? Post your current/past projects and share driving stories.

Picture is related to my current repair work: high pressure steering hose on a jdm. The shit's put in so wonky that I had to take out the airbox to see the top of the thing. It's pissing out power steering fluid and I'm waiting on a part to come in so I can continue work.
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Anonymous 2024/07/21(Sun) 22:10:22 GMT No. 679
File: 70 dollar p(...).png (3 MB, 1426x1070)
Anonymous 2024/07/25(Thu) 06:15:40 GMT No. 680
File: another 88 bux.jpg (791 KB, 1685x1264)
Anonymous 2024/09/14(Sat) 05:10:12 GMT No. 684
File: long bitch (...).jpg (609 KB, 1167x875)
Anonymous Global Rule #8 2024/01/31(Wed) 00:53:26 GMT No. 428 [Reply]
File: Untitled.png (31 KB, 150x179) I like camping.

I like camping even in cold weather, where you have to make a fire to stay warm, cook your meals on that fire, and do activities to keep you from freezing.

I also enjoy camping without a car. The type where you have a backpack and that's all you can take with you because you are hiking until you can't anymore. Then setting up camp by unpacking your bag.

Basically, I like not having a ton of people around, but also like having "guys" time to hang out and bond. Though, mostly, I like solitude. Birds. Deer. Etc.
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Anonymous 2024/06/28(Fri) 19:11:19 GMT No. 673
File: Screenshot_(...).jpeg (98 KB, 594x329)
Camping is the gayest shit of all time. Be a real man and rush like an ape.
Anonymous 2024/06/28(Fri) 21:59:15 GMT No. 674
rush what?
Anonymous 2024/08/09(Fri) 17:55:51 GMT No. 681
File: limbeezy.jpg (526 KB, 1600x2400)

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