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Anonymous Suzumiya Haruhi 2023/01/10(Tue) 02:41:39 GMT No. 8 [Reply]
File: mags.png (938 KB, 1280x720) The 8 thread!
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Anonymous 2023/03/29(Wed) 23:23:24 GMT No. 126
File: angry non sosu.png (159 KB, 419x351)
Anonymous 2023/09/16(Sat) 17:33:55 GMT No. 251
File: 16911618907(...).jpg (533 KB, 2048x2048)
haruhi and kyon ! ! !
Anonymous 2023/09/26(Tue) 04:29:10 GMT No. 284
they're a very cute couple
Anonymous Top Tier Vavle Games 2023/08/27(Sun) 06:50:11 GMT No. 239 [Reply]
File: Demoman.gif (3 MB, 498x280) >Portal
>Portal 2
>Team Fortress 2
>Left For Dead 2
Anonymous 2023/08/28(Mon) 13:22:07 GMT No. 240
I'd swap Portal with Portal 2
Gonna let bias blind me and say Alien Swarm is such a good game. I'd place it near tf2.
Anonymous 2023/09/05(Tue) 05:29:48 GMT No. 246
Every single time I tried playing Alien Swarm recently it was dead with 0 servers. Not too long after Reactive Drop dropped, I was able to find 1 server and play with some Japanese people from the heights of my 300ms ping. It didn't go very well for me or my team.

It's crazy to me that such a dead game is still being updated and worked on.
Anonymous 2023/09/05(Tue) 20:22:41 GMT No. 247
there's probably a steam group that organizes playing sessions every once in a while. a bit like the Active Neotokyo Players group

Anonymous Graphics 2023/01/11(Wed) 17:50:37 GMT No. 21 [Reply]
File: sphere.webp (79 KB, 400x400) Show off some things you've done in graphic programs. Here's a thingy I made in Gimp a few months ago
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Anonymous 2023/08/04(Fri) 22:52:46 GMT No. 224
File: penescccccc.png (5 MB, 2000x2000)
No, it is not supposed to be a swastika and the black bits are not penises
Anonymous 2023/08/04(Fri) 22:53:19 GMT No. 225
File: asfasqwdrfq.jpg (4 MB, 2000x2000)
oh, here is my collage
Anonymous 2023/08/11(Fri) 17:28:00 GMT No. 229
this one is actually cool anon
bring moar!
Anonymous Cosplay 2023/01/09(Mon) 08:54:48 GMT No. 1 [Reply]
File: goatse.jpg (20 KB, 480x360) 1 GET
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Anonymous 2023/01/28(Sat) 18:09:58 GMT No. 83
nah he's cool
hiroyuki !3SHRUNYAXA 2023/03/07(Tue) 20:58:33 GMT No. 117
File: anime nah n(...).gif (497 KB, 240x180)
Anonymous 2023/03/08(Wed) 22:19:19 GMT No. 118
File: 1557601265518.jpg (55 KB, 700x693)

Anonymous underrated video games 2023/01/23(Mon) 19:47:40 GMT No. 57 [Reply]
File: Orcs_&_Elv(...).jpg (26 KB, 333x298) I love this game, it is basic af but I love it so much
probably because i played it when i was but a little lad, but still
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Anonymous 2023/02/28(Tue) 11:26:28 GMT No. 113
fuck off retard
Anonymous 2023/03/05(Sun) 19:18:34 GMT No. 114
he's not quoting, he's just roleplaying as himself
Anonymous 2023/03/05(Sun) 22:13:52 GMT No. 115
Speaking more about Twisted Pixel, did anyone ever play "The Maw?" I played a demo of 'Splosion Man and partway through this game(I was too lazy to apply myself to finishing it back then), but never even touched that release of theirs.
Anonymous 2023/02/15(Wed) 05:39:45 GMT No. 100 [Reply]
File: hmmm.jpeg (80 KB, 882x547) What do my mootxibro's think of GPT? Is it going to kill us all and take our jobs?
Anonymous 2023/02/15(Wed) 23:19:04 GMT No. 101
I have exactly 0 idea what that is.
Sounds gay
Anonymous 2023/02/17(Fri) 00:11:37 GMT No. 104
The code generation, ability to write boring generic texts and answer general questions might take some low tier programming, writing and support jobs. Could perhaps create new careers for prompt curators since a computer can't really understand what "quality" is, but the low threshold for quality these days might make the masses just eat up auto prompted garbage.
Not really world ending to me, but it could end up flooding the market with low quality work if used improperly.

Anonymous /Hobbits/ 2023/01/28(Sat) 05:24:44 GMT No. 79 [Reply]
File: HOBBIT.webp (170 KB, 1592x2400) >Sees /Hob/

Thank god a board for hobbits. Talk to me my fellow hobbits.
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­ 2023/01/28(Sat) 12:15:36 GMT No. 81
Who are you quoting?
Anonymous 2023/01/28(Sat) 16:39:17 GMT No. 82
Look! Elves!
xXH0NKXx !O7hBnUuEdQ 2023/01/29(Sun) 03:20:50 GMT No. 85
File: ORC.jpg (101 KB, 976x549)
Look here Orc scum, when I am done with your masters cock ring your finished.
Anonymous 2023/01/12(Thu) 03:53:10 GMT No. 28 [Reply]
File: boom.jpg (43 KB, 1280x720) computer thread
post computer
Anonymous 2023/01/12(Thu) 15:19:18 GMT No. 29
File: ehh5hj.jpg (178 KB, 1197x1600)
Anonymous 2023/01/14(Sat) 21:17:51 GMT No. 36

Anonymous 2023/01/12(Thu) 01:41:13 GMT No. 25 [Reply]
File: Screenshot 202(...).png (225 KB, 899x750) EBIN :DDDD
Anonymous 2023/01/11(Wed) 20:22:21 GMT No. 22 [Reply]
File: pedobear-1.jpg (76 KB, 616x347) Is fapping to lolis considered a hobby?


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