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Anonymous 2023/04/21(Fri) 21:23:02 GMT No. 130
File: The Patchy.png (2 MB, 1920x1452)
Check out my books they are over 9000 and full of those mudkipz u kids like so much!!!1 :-)

Anonymous 2023/04/22(Sat) 18:02:22 GMT No. 131
File: not impressed.png (234 KB, 492x539) It's child pornography isn't it
Anonymous 2023/04/23(Sun) 00:29:02 GMT No. 133
No it's actually some books I wrote full of shitposting
Anonymous 2023/05/01(Mon) 05:29:28 GMT No. 134
File: Screen Shot 20(...).png (1 MB, 1506x1298) >I simultaneously disgust myself and think that I'm God
Anonymous 2023/05/02(Tue) 23:42:20 GMT No. 135
File: bigboy.jpg (105 KB, 634x845) >>134
They were very cathartic to write and I'm glad to make anons laugh (with me or at me idc)
Anonymous 2023/05/10(Wed) 03:59:00 GMT No. 140
bumpan this 1 time and only once
they are on AmaZOG too if you'd like to support me, it's very appreciated if you do. Hope that my craziness brings much laughter to you, Anon
golgolmois !4ng6G3vsxA 2023/05/21(Sun) 10:10:13 GMT No. 146
File: i (2).png (619 KB, 632x632) these books are mediocre at best
Anonymous 2023/05/27(Sat) 04:53:26 GMT No. 148
I try my best
Anonymous 2023/07/01(Sat) 01:16:14 GMT No. 156
File: the anger with(...).png (543 KB, 670x583) >>148
Your best SUCKS
Anonymous 2024/06/12(Wed) 00:41:52 GMT No. 663
File: osama.jpg (42 KB, 460x316) >>156

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