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Anonymous Minecraft 2023/04/16(Sun) 23:04:28 GMT No. 128
File: alpha.jpg (164 KB, 1200x675)
Don't you guys think that there should be a minecraft server for mootxi.co?
Anonymous 2023/04/20(Thu) 03:13:50 GMT No. 129
i dont think at all
Anonymous 2023/04/22(Sat) 19:47:01 GMT No. 132
I haven't played Minecraft in years. I last played it when it was a browser game. They added crafting? what the fuck.
Anonymous 2023/05/17(Wed) 06:29:58 GMT No. 144
yeah they added mining too, crazy world out there
golgolmois !4ng6G3vsxA 2023/05/21(Sun) 10:07:49 GMT No. 145
File: 16844253938365(...).png (255 KB, 668x606) >>128
There should be a minecraft server but only 2 people will play on it, probably.
Anonymous 2023/06/28(Wed) 02:02:55 GMT No. 155
File: image_2023-06-(...).png (218 KB, 600x338) >>128
I'd prefer a minetest server with custom mods created by the board.
Anonymous 2023/07/01(Sat) 17:53:34 GMT No. 157
only if you know how to host a1.5.3 Better Than Wolves server OP
ps. host minecraft on oracle server instead of aternos or whatever, its much better
Anonymous 2023/07/01(Sat) 17:54:49 GMT No. 158
minetest needs polishing, mobs sux ass there
Anonymous 2023/07/06(Thu) 23:03:59 GMT No. 160
maybe if moorxi.co gets more popular. Right now I don't think many people would play on it.
Anonymous 2023/07/30(Sun) 02:31:04 GMT No. 217
>maybe if moorxi.co gets more popular
don't let normalfags find this site
Anonymous 2024/02/14(Wed) 18:39:37 GMT No. 509
That's not a bad idea.
Now that the default game is separated from the engine, maybe good stuff will happen...
Anonymous 2024/04/08(Mon) 02:27:11 GMT No. 647
It isn't as good as minecraft just yet, maybe in a year or so but for now Minecraft would probably work out better

What version should it be BTW? I know some people like the new stuff but older versions might have better mods or fit the theme of the site better
Anonymous 2024/04/08(Mon) 15:37:00 GMT No. 648
i just tried minetest and compared to a couple years ago it seems better but it's still far from minecraft
Anonymous 2024/10/05(Sat) 22:55:46 GMT No. 685
This could end up in a very unique/fun experience, both modding and playing it.
Minetest is just a voxel game engine, it needs content developed for it. The base Minetest_Game is very old and lacking compared to something like VoxeLibre, which seems like it could be a great base to build off of.

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