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Anonymous New Here 2023/01/23(Mon) 11:20:39 GMT No. 48
File: collage.png (677 KB, 2444x2556)
Hi. I like drawing monsters and characters, they have no story though.
Anonymous 2023/01/23(Mon) 11:59:38 GMT No. 49
looks kind of like adventure time
Anonymous 2023/01/23(Mon) 12:10:18 GMT No. 50
I'm inspired by the enemy designs in JRPGs, and a japanese artist.
Anonymous 2023/01/23(Mon) 17:28:09 GMT No. 53
File: red dog eats t(...).PNG (15 KB, 390x279) >>48
Anonymous 2023/01/23(Mon) 20:06:59 GMT No. 60
File: Head_body_prop(...).jpg (44 KB, 377x836) learn how to actually draw instead. there are tons of delusional faggots who think their shit drawings are actually just the result of an intentionally simplistic art style, which is a colossal cope. you're just bad at art and too lazy to learn anatomy, now go learn the fundies or forever be a /beg/
Anonymous 2023/01/23(Mon) 22:18:43 GMT No. 61
File: 1626171295874.jpg (81 KB, 719x560) >>60
That character is fucking terrifying
Imagine seeing that sprinting towards you, with all 26 eyes locked onto you
Anonymous 2023/01/24(Tue) 01:53:14 GMT No. 62
Real SCP (or RCP) material
Anonymous 2023/01/28(Sat) 18:18:13 GMT No. 84
What the fuck is a /beg/?
Anonymous 2023/02/09(Thu) 00:49:10 GMT No. 93

OP's art is simple but fun, reminds me of MSPaint comics you'd see back in the day.
Anonymous 2023/02/24(Fri) 02:41:01 GMT No. 107
Is this the drawthread for the board?
Anonymous 2023/02/24(Fri) 15:23:21 GMT No. 108
Anonymous 2023/02/24(Fri) 15:32:48 GMT No. 109
disregard that i suck cock
Anonymous 2023/12/09(Sat) 23:24:44 GMT No. 392
File: collage.png (1 MB, 5392x2556) >>48
Anonymous 2023/12/09(Sat) 23:38:32 GMT No. 393
that's a tail
I'm not the best at drawing, but can you?
Anonymous 2023/12/10(Sun) 03:03:16 GMT No. 394
File: cake ehehehe.PNG (6 KB, 144x305) >>392
Desu 2023/12/10(Sun) 04:22:50 GMT No. 395
You could kickstart another Adventure Time with all those monsters if you polished it up a bit, you know. This is really good.
Anonymous 2023/12/10(Sun) 11:31:06 GMT No. 396
File: burgers.png (33 KB, 258x261) >>395
Adventure Time?
Anonymous 2023/12/10(Sun) 20:20:20 GMT No. 397
Anonymous 2023/12/16(Sat) 21:50:11 GMT No. 404
It was pretty hard, but I just fapped to this.
Anonymous 2023/12/17(Sun) 03:54:40 GMT No. 405
Anonymous 2023/12/17(Sun) 14:57:59 GMT No. 406
404 get AND win? In MY Mootxico??
Anonymous 2024/02/07(Wed) 09:45:53 GMT No. 506
I was making a lore sheet for each of these but got overwhelmed D:
Anonymous 2024/02/10(Sat) 04:17:33 GMT No. 508
Show us what you worked on, and don't back down.
Anonymous 2024/05/23(Thu) 00:51:00 GMT No. 656
I'm choosing the latter, none of my ideas are worth a quality depiction.
Anonymous 2024/06/12(Wed) 18:15:09 GMT No. 665
dont't be gay
Anonymous 2024/12/19(Thu) 02:27:47 GMT No. 690
File: bounce.gif (139 KB, 1280x720) Do you like animating too? This is the first thing I've ever animated
Anonymous 2024/12/19(Thu) 17:40:51 GMT No. 691
File: bounce.gif (132 KB, 1280x720) >>690
I touched it up
Anonymous 2024/12/21(Sat) 02:16:47 GMT No. 692
File: shadow.gif (950 KB, 1280x720) some quick and dirty shadow work
Anonymous 2025/02/13(Thu) 07:25:28 GMT No. 755
File: hand WIP.png (429 KB, 1487x835) I have this hand animation that I've neglected for two weeks now.

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