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Anonymous Paintball 2023/08/09(Wed) 17:45:27 GMT No. 226
File: 2005 time caps(...).jpg (79 KB, 576x768)
Does anyone here play paintball or has in the past?

I played a couple times years and years ago, and it seems like paintball had its heyday from the late ninties into the mid two-thousands.

Anonymous 2023/08/09(Wed) 21:15:37 GMT No. 227
I have a lifetime subscription for a paintball field I've gone to only twice in my life.

I prefer airsoft because the weapons look cooler and you don't have to scrub the paint off your gear every time you want to play
Anonymous 2023/08/10(Thu) 07:44:22 GMT No. 228
I like paintball because it's cheaper,more straightforward, and less LARP-y. Both seem to attract white teenagers en masse.

i still use a tippman 98 custom because I have no real reason to switch
Anonymous 2023/08/25(Fri) 20:01:24 GMT No. 238
ive only hit targets with a paintball shooter at a birthday party once when i was like 12
Anonymous 2024/03/04(Mon) 22:29:05 GMT No. 572
I only played back when I couldn't run for shit so I didn't get much enjoyment out of it. Might try again.
Anonymous 2024/03/04(Mon) 23:58:24 GMT No. 573
>I only played back when I couldn't run for shit
The last time I played it I was a fat little piece of shit, so playing it now and running around with proper gear (?) would definitely be more fun than sweating into my mask and bumblinb about.

I want to get some IRL friends to do it, but IDK if they'd be into that sort of faggotry
Anonymous 2024/03/06(Wed) 21:42:01 GMT No. 576
The only enjoyment I get out of war LARP is sniper LARP and that's more difficult to do in paintball.
Anonymous 2024/03/07(Thu) 23:20:42 GMT No. 577
File: 1582304835477.webm (915 KB, 720x1280) >>226
I did. TWICE. And it was awful both times.
The site owner was one greedy scumbag. All of his game modes were designed to make you shoot as much as possible so you'd buy more of their paint balls (infinite respawns on d-day-like maps, and you could only use their brand which they sold at double the normal price on site. One of the times I went there it was slightly cold so the paint balls didn't always pop on impact, turning them into pain balls instead. And my mask was always foggy even with their soapy water trick they swore by.

I had way more fun playing airsoft, but god does it attract ex-military AND annoying soldier wannabes. I was scolded for not "cat-walking" well enough by a 50 year old ex soldier as if it was important in any way. In the end my 450$ airsoft p90 was stolen and I never got into it again.
Anonymous 2024/03/11(Mon) 01:56:29 GMT No. 588
Do the wannabes actually listen to the ex-soldiers or just stay annoying based off video game tactics?
Anonymous 2024/03/12(Tue) 03:07:57 GMT No. 629
I'm sure there's fun to be had in pretending to be military, but these guys take the GAME very seriously, barking orders and the likes. I'm sure the wannabe soldiers get hard-ons from being spoken to by their perceived betters.
Anonymous 2024/03/13(Wed) 19:56:51 GMT No. 633
Do they actually win or get anywhere from the orders, or are they too retarded for that?
Anonymous 2024/04/08(Mon) 02:20:11 GMT No. 646
1 on 1 airsoft battles with someone you know can be pretty fun if you have a good spot, and you don't need to clean up after like paintball guns
Anonymous 2024/12/13(Fri) 00:27:11 GMT No. 689
Unfortunately the experience I've also had. Airsoft is fun with a closed group of people who don't pretend to be some kind of Gravy SEAL sloperator. The guns and gear look cool, and I've seen some unique stuff on the field, but the tryhards and cheaters just ruined it for me.

Once played with a guy from Iraq though while I was sniping. He was spotting for me and we hit a good bunch of people. You could tell dude felt at home spotting heads.

Getting into paintball now, more specifically X-Ball. I've always been competitive and it just seems more fun to me.

Anonymous 2025/01/22(Wed) 17:51:08 GMT No. 748
Why was this seething rape victim banned for this post albeit?

Anonymous 2025/01/27(Mon) 06:56:38 GMT No. 750
I was really into it in middle school and never touched it again after wu flu
the markers just sit in the basement now
Anonymous 2025/01/30(Thu) 10:03:07 GMT No. 751
>the virgin paintball
>the chad laser tag

I once actually won a FFA laser tag match back when I was about 9. I wish I could find the score card from that match. Laser tag doesn't have as much of the Navy SEAL wannabe faggotry, which automatically makes it better.
Anonymous 2025/01/30(Thu) 18:31:49 GMT No. 752
File: the best pic o(...).jpg (180 KB, 960x540) >>751
who are you quoting?
Anonymous 2025/02/02(Sun) 18:47:44 GMT No. 753
I remember paintballing with a bunch of family and like four or five of us decided to just firing squad assassinate my brother like the beginning of robocop. It was kinda fucked up but hey what can you do?

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