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Anonymous Mootxi-tan: the thread! 2023/11/25(Sat) 19:25:04 GMT No. 13642
File: maxresdefault.jpg (109 KB, 1280x720)
This site has been up for YEARS. I think it's time that we decide on an anthropomorphic mascot of sorts for the mootxi website or the /lol/ board

So what should it be? A tall catgirl? A variation of the old green anon? Give me ideas and i'll try to draw them.
Anonymous 2023/11/25(Sat) 21:02:53 GMT No. 13643
File: oldfag.jpg (95 KB, 400x300) >>13642
Something based on longcat would make the most sense given that she's our mascot; the green guy is actually a moderator here
Anonymous 2023/11/25(Sat) 23:55:24 GMT No. 13644
Longcat with m00t's clothes.
Anonymous 2023/11/26(Sun) 02:26:13 GMT No. 13645
but m00t isn't involved with the website directly
Anonymous 2023/11/26(Sun) 11:20:47 GMT No. 13651
doesnae even know it exists
Anonymous 2023/11/26(Sun) 13:56:19 GMT No. 13652
File: 1588276350079.png (26 KB, 177x240) oh well lol
Anonymous 2023/11/26(Sun) 14:29:34 GMT No. 13653
The lack of a mascot is an artistic representation of the site's userbase
moot!faggot 2023/11/26(Sun) 17:19:07 GMT No. 13654
moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 2023/11/26(Sun) 17:19:37 GMT No. 13655
Yes I do, faggot!
Anonymous 2023/11/26(Sun) 17:24:26 GMT No. 13656
There he is! The great moot himself!
In the name!
Anonymous 2023/11/26(Sun) 20:56:30 GMT No. 13659
The site has been getting more and more posts lately for some reason
Anonymous 2023/11/27(Mon) 05:39:49 GMT No. 13660
more and more other chans infested by the woke gestapo

Anonymous 2023/11/27(Mon) 12:09:47 GMT No. 13664
File: the niggest.png (1 MB, 614x936) >>13660
This aint no white boy wildlife reserve nigger
we mootxico in this bitch
Anonymous 2023/11/28(Tue) 13:10:00 GMT No. 13670
the end is near
Anonymous 2023/11/28(Tue) 21:35:12 GMT No. 13672
So is OP gonna draw this thing or what?
Anonymous 2024/03/08(Fri) 02:10:15 GMT No. 14505
it doesn't look like it
Anonymous 2024/06/07(Fri) 11:31:09 GMT No. 15213
post shoe on head
Anonymous 2024/06/13(Thu) 22:42:41 GMT No. 15255
post shoe on head
moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 2024/07/10(Wed) 15:21:54 GMT No. 15376

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