hope this picture makes your day a bit better friend
Anonymous2024/03/26(Tue) 08:48:04 GMTNo.14658 how is the chicken going to open the parachute? it doesnt have fingers
this picture made me feel anxious for the chicken's imminent doom
webp file??!?!?!!??!?!?
Anonymous2024/03/26(Tue) 21:17:01 GMTNo.14661 >>14658
he can fly tough he is chicken
Anonymous2024/03/27(Wed) 19:14:01 GMTNo.14664 >>14661
sorry i didnt notice
Anonymous2024/04/10(Wed) 22:33:07 GMTNo.14842 File: Scary.png(209 KB, 972x586)it made my day better
i didn't notice but then i noticed that its a chicken so i wasn't concerned anymore
Anonymous2024/04/11(Thu) 17:25:09 GMTNo.14846 >>14661 >>14842
my mom said chicken can't fly
Anonymous2024/04/11(Thu) 18:18:30 GMTNo.14847 >>14658
webp files are an abomination
Anonymous2024/04/13(Sat) 19:16:43 GMTNo.14891 >>14846
They can fly ,but not very far And this guy could use his chicken wings to soften the landing
Anonymous2024/04/27(Sat) 16:21:30 GMTNo.14954 File: tegaki.png(13 KB, 512x512)>>14891
He could also use his parachute
Anonymous2024/04/27(Sat) 19:47:56 GMTNo.14955 he doesn't have fingers so he can't pull the thing to open the parachute
not a very chicken-friendly design if i do say so myself
Anonymous2024/04/29(Mon) 21:11:03 GMTNo.14959 >>14954
but how do he open parachut
Anonymous2024/05/05(Sun) 13:24:08 GMTNo.14977 File: tegaki.png(245 KB, 512x512)>>14955 >>14959
Obviously the chicken can simply pull the thing with it's beak. Duh.
Anonymous2024/05/05(Sun) 15:22:46 GMTNo.14980 >>14977
where exactly is the thing anyway? if it's right on the shoulder the chicken may not be able to bend its neck all the way
Anonymous2024/05/18(Sat) 07:34:45 GMTNo.15033 >>14980
I think the thing is on one of the straps of the parachute. That might complicate it for the goose.
Anonymous2024/05/18(Sat) 14:19:38 GMTNo.15035 >>15033
whoever put gave it the parachute will have blood on his hands
also it's not a goose
Anonymous2024/05/25(Sat) 15:15:03 GMTNo.15083 >>15035
in the worst case scenario the moose can still deploy it's wings and glide fashionably to the ground.
Anonymous2024/05/26(Sun) 07:51:07 GMTNo.15086 >>15083
if the moose's wings worked why would it use a parachute?
i think his death is imminent
ZEBRA CHICKEN2024/06/11(Tue) 05:25:15 GMTNo.15240 File: plymouthrockch(...).jpg(672 KB, 1912x1812)>>14657
This chicken diver is awesome
OP was epic today