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Anonymous 2024/06/03(Mon) 21:40:46 GMT No. 15116
File: UmxHNyY.jpg (341 KB, 2059x1697)
Hey guys!!! Today I was on my lunch break from my job at an elementary school, when I realized that I hadn't checked Reddit yet. But when I checked, I was met with the same tired, same joke-having subreddits I've been a part of for quite some time. So I thought I'd turn to you guys, what are some really cool subreddits you like to hang out in. And since it doesn't already exist, I'm working on creating the official Mootxico Reddit!! That way It's easier to DM each other for gay sex. Cheerio!
Anonymous 2024/06/03(Mon) 23:36:40 GMT No. 15117
File: ignored.png (164 KB, 500x500) >>15116
Anonymous 2024/06/04(Tue) 00:40:01 GMT No. 15118
File: 1515896678288.jpg (5 KB, 185x250) Fascinating creature you have there
Anonymous 2024/06/04(Tue) 05:11:27 GMT No. 15120
File: mlp gilda igno(...).jpg (43 KB, 902x895) >>15117
Anonymous 2024/06/04(Tue) 11:00:28 GMT No. 15121
Anonymous 2024/06/04(Tue) 19:21:39 GMT No. 15123
File: ignored33.png (151 KB, 500x500) >>15120
ignored. your post has been ignored due to it being dumb
tbh ## Mod 2024/06/04(Tue) 22:41:01 GMT No. 15124
File: 1406901726169.jpg (110 KB, 565x409) END THIS FEEBACK LOOP BEFORE I GET INVOLVED
Anonymous 2024/06/05(Wed) 22:42:14 GMT No. 15175
File: ignored.png (667 KB, 1000x1000) >>15124
Anonymous 2024/06/09(Sun) 22:47:48 GMT No. 15227
File: ignored14.png (34 KB, 1581x172) >>15124

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