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Anonymous 2024/06/24(Mon) 00:58:25 GMT No. 15272
File: maxresdefault.jpg (168 KB, 1280x720)
How does one go from complete relclusive internet loser, to having some semblance of a irl social life?
Anonymous 2024/06/24(Mon) 05:29:56 GMT No. 15274
get a outdoor hobby and go to the gym. You can't socialize indoors
Anonymous 2024/06/24(Mon) 13:35:12 GMT No. 15275
But I've done those things. (⇀‸↼‶)
Anonymous 2024/06/24(Mon) 15:59:17 GMT No. 15277
What are some of your hobbies and what do you do at the gym?
Anonymous 2024/06/24(Mon) 19:47:59 GMT No. 15280
mountain biking, running, hiking, the beach, swimming, fishing
i work out at the gym
Anonymous 2024/06/25(Tue) 03:44:04 GMT No. 15282
File: confused black(...).jpg (70 KB, 500x500) >>15280
I'm going to be honest I have no idea how to start a social life. Those two reccomendations are all I got and they haven't worked for me so if someone else can step in and give you a hand that'd be swell
Najarin 2024/06/25(Tue) 09:09:05 GMT No. 15283
you could try websites like meetup, look online for social circles with shared interests. You could even try the plain old fashioned way, go to a bar and get tipsy, you're bound to find someone who's up for chatting
Anonymous 2024/06/25(Tue) 20:27:24 GMT No. 15285
why does it matter desu ? just shut the fuck up
Anonymous 2024/06/25(Tue) 21:27:16 GMT No. 15287
no u shut the fuck up
Anonymous 2024/06/25(Tue) 22:48:44 GMT No. 15288
File: 20180707122803(...).jpg (138 KB, 1360x768) Alright that's it. I'm leaving and never coming back

Anonymous 2024/06/25(Tue) 23:06:18 GMT No. 15289
File: Hell.jpg (332 KB, 1920x1080) Okay so I just tried going outside and it was awful.
Back on the grind.
Anonymous 2024/06/26(Wed) 09:02:12 GMT No. 15292
the only way i can have an irl social life is if i was forced to interact with other people, try that and tell me if it works
Anonymous 2024/06/27(Thu) 22:17:37 GMT No. 15305
File: 17035837799973(...).jpg (114 KB, 1242x924) >>15292
the only wasy I talk to new people is if I bomb their conversations. It's worked to varying effects.
Anonymous 2024/06/28(Fri) 19:26:13 GMT No. 15314
If you're still a young man as I'm assuming, it's not really too late. The easiest way is honestly to just get a shitty job, hopefully with some people around your age. Get a shitty job at a restaurant, there is a comradery there that's palpable and hard to fuck with, even for a social retard like yourself. Beyond things like putting yourself in scenarios where people HAVE to talk to you like certain hobbies or whatever. It also helps to just be a well-rounded person. Go learn some shit, have a variety of things that you can comfortably talk about. I mean shit, you can go to a sports bar and people can't help but talk with whoever's near. Shit like MMA or basketball doesn't require a crazy amount of prior knowledge of the sport to sit there and be able to understand it and chat about what you're looking at. The throughline is you have to exert some level of effort as an adult. As a child it's real easy to just walk up to another kid, fight, then be friends for a considerable amount of time. Though some of those same principles are still intact you have to try a little harder.
Anonymous 2024/06/30(Sun) 01:12:13 GMT No. 15339
File: wp7388822-best(...).jpg (390 KB, 1486x844) >>15272
that's extremely easy anon. be a normie, conform, mimic the same thought-process and same priorities of everyone, copy their ideology and chase materialism, have filters, talk of the latest videogame flavor of the month game, give them a hand whenever they need moving out or else, get to bars with them, go to parties, invite people. also agree with what they say even if it's false and retarded. chances are they do not have the same hobbies as you so you'll also have to make up some stuff that makes people come together.
Anonymous 2024/07/01(Mon) 23:23:43 GMT No. 15348
tl;dr be a NORMALFAG
Anonymous 2024/07/03(Wed) 04:14:01 GMT No. 15360
OP here. I actually had a whole conversation with an actual female. She had a boyfriend though, so w/e. But she didn't recoil in disgust like that the last one did. I'm so proud of myself. It's at least a step in the right direction anyway.
Anonymous 2024/07/03(Wed) 04:15:18 GMT No. 15361
Not a young man anymore. I'm in my 40s.
Anonymous 2024/07/05(Fri) 21:06:51 GMT No. 15367
there is no formula
formula implies system
system means, no free will
it is just, simply DONE
just DO IT
Anonymous 2024/07/08(Mon) 06:13:39 GMT No. 15370
File: tegaki.png (17 KB, 512x512) >>15272
Ya don't
Anonymous 2024/07/16(Tue) 12:25:26 GMT No. 15388
become a faggot
Anonymous 2024/07/21(Sun) 02:33:18 GMT No. 15397
its so fucking easy, but you dont have a social life because youre fucking lazy and dont want to put any effort in
follow these steps
>go to pub during the game, whatever sport from whatever country youre in
>watch game while drinking with the others
>say some shit like "are you seeing this ludicrous display?"
>blokes around you will chime in, especially if its later in the game and theyre getting drunk
>repeat for multiple games
>become a regular, chat about the sports with the other regulars
>have friends
Anonymous 2024/07/21(Sun) 16:19:15 GMT No. 15401
>go to pub
>watch sports
If that's what you like doing, being around loud retards. I suspect that's not what OP likes to do because that's the most basic advice anyone could give.
Anonymous 2024/07/28(Sun) 06:40:13 GMT No. 15417
Okay, I tried this for shits and giggles and here is my experience:
It's Saturday here. I decided to go for a walk and hit up a few of the bars I've seen change several times over the years, from more dive-y places to classier as the demographic changed. I walked into the first one and after thinking about the prices, the types of people that go there, and the pressure to do interact with dubiosuly belligerent randos I started getting really nervous and walked out of there. My experiences at the other ones were similar: walking into a place that's too loud to talk surrounded by the same bar smell you can find in any city where the women dress like whores and wear whore perfume; the cheap stuff Deus' mom wears on our now less frequent dates. I wound up getting one beer at an old bar I knew and going back home.

That was shit advice anon, I hope you get AIDS
Anonymous User 2024/08/03(Sat) 09:20:05 GMT No. 15435
A bunch of bumwhores
Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 11:04:31 GMT No. 15438
literally go outside and explore the world..... interact with people, disregard your feelings and experience new things that change your own personal worldview. I used to be a reclusive internet loser for the past 4 years with the advent of quarantine, ever since that ended and people came outside again i've become way more socialable. neva lose your neet roots though
Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 15:45:13 GMT No. 15439
File: look of superi(...).png (449 KB, 798x781) >>15438
>with the advent of quarantine
heh, casual
Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 20:38:04 GMT No. 15440
you dont

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