Najarinfun with toys2025/01/06(Mon) 09:31:07 GMTNo.15919 File: h.q.2.jpg(3 MB, 2992x4000)
Was gonna do this thread on 4chan, but those niggers are too busy gooning to have any fun anymore. I wasted an afternoon fucking around with some figures I had lying around and realized this was the closest I've been to having fun playing since I was a kid. Post your toys anon, or any toy related memes you got.
Anonymous2025/01/06(Mon) 23:11:27 GMTNo.15921 i no longer have my toys, one of the coolest ones i had was a remote controlled "car" with a sort of wrench on the front which could be extended and "grab" things
neganonymous2025/01/08(Wed) 04:43:25 GMTNo.15926 File: 16791861247560(...).webm(2 MB, 346x600)sure, here's me playing with my toy
Najarin2025/01/16(Thu) 04:43:46 GMTNo.15951 >>15926
I'm sickened, but the level of craftsman ship is genuinely impressive