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Anonymous 2025/01/25(Sat) 19:06:03 GMT No. 16055
File: 15168992081877(...).png (2 MB, 1920x1080)
Imagine this, you install an ancient long since broken by updates HL2 multiplayer mod, and it has a built-in functional IRC client
Anonymous 2025/01/25(Sat) 19:08:42 GMT No. 16056
File: 15168992081877(...).png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Also has a panel that hooks up to winamp
Anonymous 2025/01/26(Sun) 01:09:15 GMT No. 16057
Send the link to the plugin. It looks useful.

Spinning up Obsidian Conflict or Sven 2 might be fun as well
Anonymous 2025/01/26(Sun) 06:56:17 GMT No. 16058
afaik it's no plugin, it's coded into the mod itself by the devs, I think there were a few IRC related plugins on Alliedmodders for SM.
anonymous 2025/02/03(Mon) 05:02:01 GMT No. 16083
it really kicks the llama's ass

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