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Anonymous 2025/02/28(Fri) 00:32:20 GMT No. 16199 File:
GR6briUbMAAw2f(...).jpg (1 MB, 4096x3072)
do you like bunny rabbits
Anonymous 2025/02/28(Fri) 01:18:47 GMT No. 16200 File:
becky_bunny.png (2 MB, 2038x1886)
fuck yeah I do
they're cute
Anonymous 2025/02/28(Fri) 17:40:30 GMT No. 16202 all the bunnies i have met have scratched me
Anonymous 2025/03/03(Mon) 02:28:19 GMT No. 16217 >>16202
protip: do not try to fuck rabbits when you first meet them. They are a conservative bunch
Anonymous 2025/03/04(Tue) 20:03:14 GMT No. 16226 >>16217
i always invited them out to dinner beforehand