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Anonymous 2024/09/15(Sun) 19:06:59 GMT No. 15592 [Reply]
File: anonymous.jpg (160 KB, 1920x1080) my fellow mootxicans, it is I, anonymous, back here with an announcement: i am running for mootxipresident!
vote for me and i promise you will get 10x more fun threads, 10x more users and 10x the penis size!!!
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Anonymous 2024/11/13(Wed) 20:35:15 GMT No. 15760
no violence!!!.. pls
Anonymous 2024/12/03(Tue) 03:19:56 GMT No. 15797
do you promise more illegal immigration so we have more posts?
Anonymous 2024/12/03(Tue) 19:23:14 GMT No. 15798
that was my intention, however everyone told me they dont want to get in a deserted place, i'd rather not recruit 4channers
Anonymous objava na srpskom 2024/12/01(Sun) 21:28:35 GMT No. 15794 [Reply]
File: 094.jpg (175 KB, 773x950) pošto je ovaj neki stavio objavu na španskom (nemam blage veze o čemu) eto i ja odlučih da objavim nešto na srpskom... ne znam dal beše ovaj sajt ima pravilo da samo može na engleskom da se piše, al svakako me ne interesuje.
slika nema veze sa post-om.

Anonymous post en español 2024/11/26(Tue) 18:37:41 GMT No. 15787 [Reply]
File: portada11.jpg (379 KB, 800x600) hola este es mi primera vez en mooxti.co espero llevarme bien con ustedes, por ahora solo voy a lurkear, esto es para avisarles que hay un hispano entre ustedes
Anonymous 2024/11/12(Tue) 07:04:21 GMT No. 15749 [Reply]
File: comewithme.jpg (618 KB, 2000x3000) Lookit what I found: https://gofile.io/d/eS3xFZ

It's a reference pack with a buff d00d.
I'll make some spicy images, feel free to join in.
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Anonymous 2024/11/17(Sun) 18:37:25 GMT No. 15772
a good workout is when you're in the zone and ignoring people who look at you, blast some music in your ears too.
Anonymous 2024/11/20(Wed) 01:09:58 GMT No. 15777
File: music.jpg (297 KB, 729x972)
>blast some music in your ears too
Good music gets good results. I hit a DB press record playing this
Anonymous 2024/11/20(Wed) 04:31:48 GMT No. 15778
File: music_box.jpg (207 KB, 681x908)
oops, old photo. I meant THIS music

Anonymous Anyone go to a strip club? 2024/04/13(Sat) 00:01:01 GMT No. 14884 [Reply]
File: showpalace9.jpg (522 KB, 1200x799) Did you regret it? How much does one normally "tip" the girls? How easy is it to "solicit" other "services" from them?
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Najarin 2024/05/04(Sat) 23:27:40 GMT No. 14974
File: b209f892ccb(...).jpg (36 KB, 519x518)
"Hey, you better watch yourself if you come in her lookin like that, kapeesh? What kinda carnival you think we're runnin here? Dis is a classy classy joint for sophisticated clientele. Fix yourself up, get a haircut, n if you say pwetty pwease, maybe I just might let chu in da back room. ANIMALS!"
Anonymous 2024/11/13(Wed) 17:48:13 GMT No. 15758
File: story2359.gif (32 KB, 600x450)
I've never unnderstood strip clubs. What's the point? Pay an arm and a leg to look at a lady's arm and leg, and pay a mortgage to have those limbs rub on your body while you sit motionless in a chair? Seems like a waste of money to me honestly, especially since there's no real bond being made.
Anonymous 2024/11/14(Thu) 05:33:02 GMT No. 15761
Sometimes you want to see boobie and pantie and dont want to put a few years of your life into making that happen
its less emotionally fulfilling but no one is going there for that
Anonymous 2024/10/24(Thu) 21:46:14 GMT No. 15708 [Reply]
File: kurota loaf.jpg (330 KB, 1562x2048) mods there's been a cp thread up since 10am EST
Anonymous 2024/10/24(Thu) 23:36:48 GMT No. 15709
File: ctrl plus i.png (11 KB, 1244x143)
also I'm not sure if the report post feature is meant to bring up a panel or not. the js mentions a report tool
Anonymous 2024/10/26(Sat) 18:41:37 GMT No. 15713
but does it submit a form or something like that?
Anonymous 2024/11/11(Mon) 21:31:52 GMT No. 15747

Anonymous 2024/11/07(Thu) 03:29:16 GMT No. 15740 [Reply]
File: Limp_Bizkit_Ch(...).jpg (114 KB, 316x316) Send in your worst album covers
Anonymous 2024/11/07(Thu) 05:37:19 GMT No. 15741
File: owl city dl(...).JPG (37 KB, 539x541)
Owl City's great at making robotic, barely-inspired covers
Anonymous 2024/05/02(Thu) 22:30:00 GMT No. 14968 [Reply]
File: BeatlesChicken(...).jpg (572 KB, 2028x1520) The Beatles if they were chickens
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Anonymous 2024/10/31(Thu) 17:52:37 GMT No. 15726
but if the beatles were chickens they would be called the chickens not the beatles
Anonymous 2024/11/01(Fri) 12:33:14 GMT No. 15727
Anonymous 2024/11/02(Sat) 12:31:42 GMT No. 15729
they were beetles

Anonymous Mootxi-tan: the thread! 2023/11/25(Sat) 19:25:04 GMT No. 13642 [Reply]
File: maxresdefault.jpg (109 KB, 1280x720) This site has been up for YEARS. I think it's time that we decide on an anthropomorphic mascot of sorts for the mootxi website or the /lol/ board

So what should it be? A tall catgirl? A variation of the old green anon? Give me ideas and i'll try to draw them.
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Anonymous 2024/10/23(Wed) 22:05:50 GMT No. 15700
I thought the average mootxican was ripped
Anonymous 2024/10/24(Thu) 16:45:05 GMT No. 15704
you aren't wrong
Anonymous 2024/10/24(Thu) 20:17:31 GMT No. 15705
clone m00t make the clone m00t have sex with long cat cross breed the off spring and install a turbo compressor
Anonymous 2024/09/03(Tue) 11:37:18 GMT No. 15569 [Reply]
File: photo_2024-08-(...).jpg (167 KB, 927x1280) Hello
Anonymous 2024/09/03(Tue) 19:54:36 GMT No. 15570
File: 17253012137(...).png (1 MB, 1000x1414)
I'm pretty busy right now the beer will have to wait
Anonymous 2024/10/19(Sat) 21:13:54 GMT No. 15691
File: 17256621319(...).jpg (854 KB, 1414x2000)
Anonymous 2024/10/23(Wed) 06:08:33 GMT No. 15698

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