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Anonymous 2024/08/22(Thu) 10:22:09 GMT No. 15529 [Reply]
File: PC Carbon emis(...).png (45 KB, 919x424) >be moi
>decide to try out Windows 11
>they try to force me use a Microsoft account
>look it up on my phone
>unplug Ethernet cable and reboot pc
>magically there's an no-account option now
>have to manually uncheck around 15 options that tell me how they'd have spied on me otherwise
>they still do it
>some of them you can't even disable
­>get in
>immediately met with a bunch of pop-ups
>they literally pop up every few seconds or minutes
>decide to download firefox
>open Edge Internet browser
>like 8 pop-ups at once on the home screen
>close all of it and download firefox
>look in task manager
>edge is still up and running
>turns out Edge probably spies on everything you do on your computer too because why not
>there's probably 17 non-essential processes all running in the bg on this fresh install
>go to set a screensaver
>computer starts scolding me about climate change
Ok this REALLY sucks
I thought it was a joke that w11 sucked turbococks.
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Anonymous 2024/08/31(Sat) 21:18:28 GMT No. 15553
My mom gave me a laptop that she used for work when she retired recently. An Asus with 11 installed on it. Worst piece of anti-consumer shit I have ever seen. I swear Asus and Microsoft worked together to make it more difficult to install Linux on it.

You had to go into the BIOS to get it to boot from a USB, and going into the BIOS was harder than it used to be. I actually tried to make use of Microsoft Co-Pilot while trying to figure out why I couldn't get it to work, and the bot told me "sorry I can't talk about that" when I asked it how to install Linux.

Also the fucking battery CAN NOT BE REPLACED. This piece of shit was designed to become e-waste so you'd have to buy another one. How long can they keep getting away with this shit?
Anonymous 2024/09/01(Sun) 03:54:07 GMT No. 15554
­>cant replace the battery
I didn't know this anti-consumer practice already made its way to laptops. I heard that phone companies had started gluing their fragile flexible battery packs on top of pairing them individually to the phone's OS so replacing them wouldn't work.

>How long can they keep getting away with this shit?
Forever! The one and only solution is to force manufacturers to make stuff that can be repaired and maintained, but that means that CONSUMERS wouldn't CONSUME as much, thus making the government LOSE billions of dollars. BILLIONS. Literally stealing BILLIONS away from the government. Criminal scum.
Anonymous 2024/09/05(Thu) 20:26:02 GMT No. 15575
i also bought a laptop which came with w11 installed, i figured i'd give it a try for once
upon installation windows was forcing me to make a microsoft account (not connecting to the internet didn't solve it) so i had to terminate the process from task manager, that was bad enough but then i tried installing firefox and the piece of shit wouldn't let me unless i signed in with a microsoft account and disabled "s mode"
Anonymous ( ! ) Shock Warning ( ! ) 2024/08/14(Wed) 03:33:14 GMT No. 15506 [Reply]
File: pussy_dripping(...).swf (1 MB) I had this flash file in my drive for a long time now, i don't remember where i found it.
Anonymous 2024/09/02(Mon) 20:32:54 GMT No. 15565
File: Get Along G(...).swf (1 MB)

Anonymous 2024/05/15(Wed) 19:11:57 GMT No. 15023 [Reply]
File: 1616642192910.jpg (5 KB, 243x207) Moses if he was a haridresser
Anonymous 2024/05/20(Mon) 13:08:14 GMT No. 15042
having a parting in ur hair is normal fajit
Anonymous 2024/05/21(Tue) 02:33:30 GMT No. 15045
File: 1635646621131.png (95 KB, 300x300)
haridresser, the dresser of hari
Anonymous 2024/08/11(Sun) 13:48:38 GMT No. 15491 [Reply]
File: 3461 - Dizzy G(...).jpg (113 KB, 550x760) oh boy we getting raided
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Anonymous 2024/08/15(Thu) 10:57:06 GMT No. 15510
Anonymous ## Mod 2024/08/16(Fri) 00:58:59 GMT No. 15520
Anonymous User 2024/08/30(Fri) 14:16:44 GMT No. 15543

Anonymous OMG 2024/08/12(Mon) 19:09:38 GMT No. 15495 [Reply]
File: good-vibes-lis(...).gif (20 KB, 220x230) Mootxi.co is still alive, i thought it was taken down.
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Anonymous 2024/08/14(Wed) 06:04:48 GMT No. 15507
File: 1561553180485.jpg (45 KB, 637x579)
I prefer slower boards personally.
Anonymous 2024/08/15(Thu) 04:43:12 GMT No. 15509
File: 19.gif (215 KB, 300x100)
this banner is... quite relevant to the discussion at hand
Anonymous 2024/08/25(Sun) 19:42:58 GMT No. 15539
We need a second banner run at some point.
Noot that I got any ideas but there are some creative faggots on here sometimes, when all stars align.
Anonymous 2023/12/18(Mon) 04:18:22 GMT No. 13854 [Reply]
File: 1565979053781.jpg (278 KB, 2000x1333) Those soyjack spammers sure have a lot of weird fetish pictures stored on their computers despite being such devout, puritan Christians..
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Anonymous 2024/07/25(Thu) 03:06:19 GMT No. 15408
File: 1556539046930.jpg (477 KB, 2048x1365)
I never got the impression that shartifags were /pol/tards. They always just came off as mindlessly rancorous. (A lot of morons who "miss the old /b/" tend to behave that way) So long as people are annoyed, they're content.
Anonymous 2024/08/13(Tue) 11:16:11 GMT No. 15501
Anonymous 2024/08/21(Wed) 04:41:45 GMT No. 15528
It's mostly young gay guys who are embarrassed about the dickgirl porn they fap to

KainL New place with a lot of info 2024/08/08(Thu) 18:29:19 GMT No. 15444 [Reply]
File: icon.png (7 KB, 64x64) Hello there, I hope you are doing.

Just wanted to let you know that I've been using the hidden wiki to find a lot of stuff which is useful for what I do, but I recently knew about this V3 link, which contains a lot of new info, and maybe someone can give it a shot if you are curious and didn't know about the new stuff there.
Anonymous 2024/08/14(Wed) 06:39:34 GMT No. 15508
despite the nice get, I still find it hilarious that even shitting horse cock nipples got multiple replies before you did
Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 09:51:52 GMT No. 15437 [Reply]
File: Jay Dyer Weed (...).mp4 (2 MB, 358x360) dis mootsico is RIESIST
Anonymous 2024/08/08(Thu) 04:00:30 GMT No. 15443
si mucho rasismo

Anonymous 2024/06/24(Mon) 00:58:25 GMT No. 15272 [Reply]
File: maxresdefault.jpg (168 KB, 1280x720) How does one go from complete relclusive internet loser, to having some semblance of a irl social life?
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Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 11:04:31 GMT No. 15438
literally go outside and explore the world..... interact with people, disregard your feelings and experience new things that change your own personal worldview. I used to be a reclusive internet loser for the past 4 years with the advent of quarantine, ever since that ended and people came outside again i've become way more socialable. neva lose your neet roots though
Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 15:45:13 GMT No. 15439
File: look of sup(...).png (449 KB, 798x781)
>with the advent of quarantine
heh, casual
Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 20:38:04 GMT No. 15440
you dont
Anonymous 2024/07/24(Wed) 03:16:02 GMT No. 15406 [Reply]
File: kek.png (7 KB, 622x38) kek
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Anonymous 2024/07/25(Thu) 17:03:07 GMT No. 15411
/hob/ used to crash librewolf for a while, not sure why
Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 04:05:47 GMT No. 15434
I can assure you, the experience is not in the past tense.
Anonymous 2024/08/03(Sat) 09:38:10 GMT No. 15436
File: hitTheDesk.jpg (50 KB, 474x470)
well now it just makes it hang, what is up with /hob/ mr. admin what's-his-name?

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